For a long time Sheila has had a desire to make Black pudding, so having found some dried Pigs blood on line, she set to, and the end result was rich and full of flavour, and plenty  more where that came from.

Its one of those things: You love ’em or you hate them. I’ve yet to find anybody who’s simply ambivalent.

There are many different versions of blood sausage – the good old English black pudding contains oats to thicken it, the Spanish Morcella has rice, but this French boudin noir dispenses with all such frivolities and just sticks to the main event.

This boudin noir recipe prepares a looser softer sausage than an an English black pudding.


1 litre of pigs blood  Made up with 200g dried pigs blood to 1 litre of water
500g of diced back fat,
500g of finely chopped onions
25g salt
1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 heaped teaspoon quatre-épices
1 tablespoon Rum
50ml Milk
50g White breadcrumbs
250 ml of double cream


Preheat oven 170° C

Prepare the pigs blood in a large bowl. Mix well. Stir in the salt, sugar, pepper, spices and the Rum.

Warm the Milk slightly, take off the heat and add the breadcrumbs. Set aside.

Finely dice the pork fat. Put a quarter into a pan large enough to take all the ingredients. Allow to sweat down for a while. Once the fat starts to run a little add the onions and cook very gently until soft , but not coloured.  Add the remaining fat, and cook until the pieces are translucent, and more fat as run off.

Stir in the milk soaked breadcrumbs mix well. Add the cream, then slowly pour in the blood stirring all the time it really needs two people. The mixture will be quite fluid.

As it was the first time Sheila had made Boudin Noir she cooked it in the oven. It is very easy.

Pour the mixture into a greased terrine dish and cover loosely with a piece of oiled foil. Place the dish onto an deep sided oven tray filled with hot water.

Cook for an hour until set firm, keep checking with a skewer it might take longer

Original Recipe Jane Grigson French Pork Cookery


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