This is one of our favourite soups in Monkvalley. Delicious and simple. The last minute addition of the mint and parsley give the soup a sharp, fresh flavour.

Serve 6


50g butter

1 small onion finely diced

1 shallot finely diced

900g courgette chopped

1 cooked potato

salt and pepper

1.75litres chicken stock

2 tablespoon freshly chopped mint

2 tablespoon freshly chopped parsley


Soften the butter, and gently sweat the onion and shallot until transparent. Stir in the chopped courgette and potato, season generously, cover and cook for 5 minutes, stirring a couple of times.

Add the stock, and bring to the boil, turn down the heat and simmer for10 minutes.

Liquidize with the herbs.

Return to a clan pan and reheat. Taste for seasoning and serve. Add a drizzle of cream.

Original recipe taken from A Celebration of Soup by Lindsey Barnham: 


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