I was interested to read recently a Nigella Lawson way of cooking chips.

To begin with I was horrified to learn that she placed the prepared potatoes directly into cold oil!

Then the name Tuscan fries made them seem more romantic and appealing.

Frites are an occasional treat,  I’ve made them in the past using various methods. Double fried, triple fried, controlling the temperature, various oils & fats. The results are generally good but the degree of preparation involved varies enormously.

Therefore this very simple method deserved to be tried and tested.

Peel & cut the potatoes into equal sized « sticks » about 1 cm thick (Nigella doesn’t peel). Wash them to get rid of some starch and dry them thoroughly.

Then place them in a pan of cold sunflower oil, throw in a couple of unpeeled cloves of garlic, a sprig of Rosemary & one of thyme. Turn on the heat to high and watch them cook until brown. Drain on kitchen paper and sprinkle with salt.

They are amazingly crisp and not greasy!

By the way the garlic is soft and unctuous and not to be discarded !!

Original recipe Nigella Lawson

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