The salad’s creation is generally attributed to restaurateur Caesar Cardini an Italian who operated restaurants in Mexico. Cardini was living in San Diego but he was also working in Tijuana where he avoided the restrictions of Prohibition.

Sounds like a man after  my own heart.

Salty, tangy and crisp, Caesar salad is not a particularly refined dish, but then it was never meant to be.  just enjoy!


Serves 4

2 cloves of garlic
150 ml olive oil
4 thick slices of day-old white bread (not from a sliced load)
2 cos lettuces, torn into rough pieces
2 anchovy fillets, rinsed
1 egg yolk
Juice of ½ lemon
finely grated Parmesan


Preheat the oven to 200 C

Crush the garlic and add to the oil. Leave to infuse for at least an hour. Cut the bread into rough crouton-sized cubes. Toss with a little of the oil to coat, and then bake for about 15 minutes until golden and crisp.

Mash the anchovies against the bottom of your salad bowl until you have a paste, then beat in the yolk, and gradually the rest of the garlic-infused oil until you have a thick dressing. Stir in the lemon juice and taste – season if necessary.

Put the leaves into the bowl and toss well to coat. Add the cheese and toss again. Top with the croutons and serve immediately.


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