At long last, I turn my food thoughts to pies. Savory. The classic English pie. MEAT AND POTATO PIE. What’s not to like. My Mum made one, Muriel made one, … Continue Reading →
MONKVALLEY: Memories and thoughts about food and a life lived in the Loire Valley, France
At long last, I turn my food thoughts to pies. Savory. The classic English pie. MEAT AND POTATO PIE. What’s not to like. My Mum made one, Muriel made one, … Continue Reading →
Which came first the chicken or the egg? That is the question. The answer ? Perhaps a never ending discussion. There is something that chicken and egg do … Continue Reading →
I often wonder where my love of food came from. It is doubtful I inherited it from my parents. Although good simple food was enjoyed during my childhood there were … Continue Reading →
Weekends are special, even when you are retired! Moving to France was, and still is, an adventure in many ways. When we arrived here all those years ago … Continue Reading →
Like many visitors to France, a walk around a French market is a great pleasure and is an essential part of an excellent holiday. Sheila and I have lived here … Continue Reading →
Sheila has been posting recipes and updating the blog and also encouraging me to put “pen to paper” I eventually checked out the blog, and immediately noticed a glaring omission … Continue Reading →
Take a Cookery book and a whole world of food opens out before you. You are transported to the four corners of the world. A French bistro, an Italian … Continue Reading →
I think I have mentioned that my love of food, or, to be exact, my love of eating, came from my childhood. But what about my love of cooking? At … Continue Reading →