Now for something completely different, a book review! and, Different again in that Sheila has written it.
“Consider the Fork” by Bee Wilson
The history of how we cook and eat, how we tamed fire and ice.
It is a fascinating read, that I found very hard to put down. I read it twice! (which in itself is unusual)
John became used to my constant interruptions into his thoughts with “Did you know” and “Listen to this”
From huge Tudor fires to sous-vide machines how technological advances have affected our food habits
Bee Wilson compares how in Europe we eat with knives and forks where in Asia thy prefer chopsticks; thereby keeping knief work in the kitchen and away from the table..
It is the story of Spoons, whisks, mashers, Pestles and Mortars, all in the name of feeding ourselves.
Other than chapters on Fire and Ice, she considers Pots and Pans, Grind, Eat, Kitchen and Weights and Measures.
We learn that the American cup system, invented in 1896 by Fannie Farmer is fundemently flawed – this I can concur with, I interrupted my reading to experiment with porridge and rice:
A cup of rice weighs 175 gr
A cup of oats weighs 84 gr
Its like the old joke which is heavier a pound of feathers or a pound of Lead!
“Did you You know”? You can now buy a set of 4 measures for:
1) a dash 2) a pinch 3) a smidgen 4) a drop
I wonder what Fannie would have made of that! Maybe like me. She would say: Why?
If you have an interest in history, food and cooking then this book is for you.
…and finallly dont just take my word for it
“I love Bee Wilson’s writing” Nigella Lawson
“A joy to read” Claudia Roden
“A cracking good read, as enjoyable as it is enlightening” Raymond Blanc
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