Gigot d’agneau à la Normande sounds so much more exciting then Lamb cooked in the Normandy style.  One pleasure of Normandy is eating Lamb that has taken on the particular flavour from grazing on the salt marshes especially from Mont  st Michel. Perfect for Easter.  Sheila loves cooking with lamb and cooking with beans and this recipe ticks both boxes. Simple but full of flavour.

More Lamb for Easter

7 hour lamb

Lamb Navarin



2.5 kg leg of lamb

2 large cloves of garlic


olive oil

2 carrots quartered

2 onions quartered

a stick of


salt and pepper

for the beans

250 gr flageolet beans soaked over night.  These are the classic accompaniment, but you can always use haricot, or butter beans, or use tinned.

1 onion  with a couple of cloves in

a bouquet garni


chopped parsley

for the sauce 

200 ml veal stick

200 ml dry cider

200 ml creme frche




pre heat oven to 250C

The night before you are cooking the lamb season well with  salt.

Next day Make slashes in the lamb and insert the garlic slithers. Spread the joint with the butter. Pour the oil into a roasting pan,add the vegetables and place the lamb on top.  Place the pan in the oven.

aft 15 minutes lower the heat to 200c and leave the lamb for an hour. move the pan to the lower shelf and rest for at least 15 minutes;

While the Lamb is cooking drain the beans and add to a saucepan along with the onion and bouquet garni. Simmer for 35 minutes, keep testing to unsure they tender. Drain the beans remove the onion and the garni. Stir in the butter and the parsley;

Remove the lamb to a warm serving dish and place the beans  round the lamb.


Deglaze the pan with the cider, add the stock. Simmer down to about half. Now stir in the creme fraiche, and reduce it down further?

Pour some of the sauce over the Lamb, put the remainder int sauce boat.






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