This is Jane Grigson’s famous soup, and loved by everyone who tastes it. The colour is deep amber, and the texture thick.  The soup is thick and creamy with a background hint of curry that is perceptibly lifted by lemon zest and juice. The fresh citric zing is reinforced with a garnish of crème fraiche and complemented by scraps of crisp smoked bacon and chives. Serve with crusty bread and butter for a really satisfying soup supper.

Jane Grigson as always been one of my food heroes, and the following article will confirm why.   The Guardian

More Summer soup recipes:

Pea and Lettuce 

 Courgette and mint 


1 Tablespoon  curry powder
1 large or 2 smaller parsnips, diced
1 medium onion, chopped
1 large clove garlic, chopped
1 oz butter
1 Tablespoon flour
1:1 litre Chicken stock
150 ml single cream
chives, to garnish


Melt the butter in a pan and add the onions, garlic, and parsnips. Cover and cook very gently for 10 minutes, shaking the pan from time to time. Don’t let them brown.

Then add the flour and the curry powder. Cook for a couple of minutes, stirring to stop it sticking. Add about half of the stock, stirring and scraping the bottom of the pan until the liquid thickens slightly. Then add the rest of the stock.

Simmer gently till the parsnip is really soft, this will take about 20 minutes. Liquidise, taste, and adjust flavour and consistency with a little water if necessary, bearing in mind that the cream will soften the flavour.

Reheat without boiling, adding cream to taste, and serve with fried croutons and a scattering of chives.

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