Naan Pizza made with coriander pesto, fresh buffalo mozzarella, and tomatoes, baked in an Oven. This is a delicious and quick fusion pizza for the times when you are craving pizza! Vegetarian, easy and convenient. Vary it with toppings of your choice.

2 large bunches of fresh coriander (about 400g)
1 small bunch of flat leaf parsley
5 cloves garlic – roughly chopped
3 tablespoons crushed walnuts
3 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
3 green chillies – roughly chopped
olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
150g buffalo mozzarella – excess water squeezed out and left to dry for about an hour
2 tomatoes sliced quite thickly
2 shop bought naan


Heat your oven to its highest setting. Add a baking tray or Pizza round

Place the coriander, parley, garlic, walnuts, Parmesan cheese and chillies in a blender.

Add just enough olive oil to blend it all into a smooth pesto.

Remove the pizza round or baking tray from the oven and lay the naan onto it.

Cover with the coriander pesto leaving the edge of the pizza without sauce.

Break the mozzarella cheese into small pieces and cover the pesto with it.

Place the tomatoes on top and then place in the oven on the top shelf.

Ovens will vary but your pizza should be ready in five to ten minutes.

Eat immediately. Pizza is always best straight from the oven.

Original Recipe “The Curry Guy”

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